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Subject[Semi-OT] hot-swapping kernels
Hello List:
I believe that the following issue was discussed in the past on this
list, but I am unsure of its current status.
Currently, (to my knowledge), one needs build a kernel, and in order to
use this recently built kernel, one must reboot the computer. Wouldn't in
be nice to have a system that once a kernel is built, implement the new
kernel without a software or hardware reboot? And, if there were any
run-time problems with the new kernel, the system would revert back to
the previously runnable kernel..I can see some possible problems with
swapping out a kernel and swapping in another within the same memory
space in real-time, but has anyone investigated into possible solutions?
I think that this would be a good project, if it could be done. Any
system that currently comes to mind, needs a reboot in order to implement
a kernel change, from Cisco to Linux. With systems that need to remain on
~24/7, a "hot-swappable" kernel would be a great solution to decreasing
down-time. Just an idea. All suggestions, comments, and status are

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