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SubjectRe: [Semi-OT] hot-swapping kernels
On Sun, Dec 26, 1999 at 05:37:42PM -0500, wrote:
> Hello List:
> I believe that the following issue was discussed in the past on this
> list, but I am unsure of its current status.
> Currently, (to my knowledge), one needs build a kernel, and in order to
> use this recently built kernel, one must reboot the computer. Wouldn't in
> be nice to have a system that once a kernel is built, implement the new
> kernel without a software or hardware reboot? And, if there were any
> run-time problems with the new kernel, the system would revert back to
> the previously runnable kernel..I can see some possible problems with
> swapping out a kernel and swapping in another within the same memory
> space in real-time, but has anyone investigated into possible solutions?
> I think that this would be a good project, if it could be done. Any
> system that currently comes to mind, needs a reboot in order to implement
> a kernel change, from Cisco to Linux. With systems that need to remain on
> ~24/7, a "hot-swappable" kernel would be a great solution to decreasing
> down-time. Just an idea. All suggestions, comments, and status are
> welcome.

If you need uptime, don't go messing with the kernel. If it works, keep it
as it is, if it isn't you won't have great reliability anyway. You can't
detect all possible problems. If you really need this, get two servers,
and some load balancing hardware.


Frank v Waveren
ICQ# 10074100

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