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SubjectRe: [linux-fbdev] Announce: DinX windowing system 0.2.0

Welcome back everyone. Hope everyone had a happy holiday.

> DinX is an experimental windowing system that performs clipping and
> drawing inside Linux kernel modules. This eliminates much context
> switching between clients and the server, and makes the code small, simple
> and fast. It is aimed at small systems like Linux handhelds.
> The first public release includes draggable windows and a simple image
> viewer. All clipping and drawing operations are working properly. The
> window server program is under development, to provide a more complete set
> of events.

Nice. This could be very handy for embedded systems. A few notes as I was
looking over your code. Your driver does two things. One it does clipping
and has blit code etc. Now a new internal API for fbdev has been developed
for 2.3.X. In the new API instead of having fbcon-cfbX with a bunch of
console functions you have a fbcon-accel.c which has a console structure
that wraps around 3 video cards hardware accels, FillRect, CopyArea,
ImageBlt. With this you can seperate console code out of the fbdev drivers.
Making fbdev driver writing easier. It also reduces the amount of
code. The biggest thing is since the console functions use accels this
removes the latency problems people have been having. It just takes to
long to do the above accel functions pixel by pixel. These accel functions
will be in the fbdev drivers so you could easily hook into them. Also I
have written some incomplete code that does blit, fillrect, copyarea in
software. The patch is at

Sorry I haven't kept it up to date but pieces of it have been going into

Note 2:

As for handling input. Vojtech is making a universal input driver
suite. It has a /dev/event device that acts as a input queue shared
between userland and the kernel. Patch is at

See about having your event packets to this device.

Just some helpful advice.

James Simmons (o_
fbdev/gfx developer (o_ (o_ //\ (/)_ (/)_ V_/_

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