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Subjectre: RasterMan on linux and threads
On 17 Dec, Dan Kegel scribbled:
-> And you might want to modify your statement that threads always run on the same
-> CPU...

ok ok...
someone explai n.. do threads spawned form a signle proces get
schedules across multiple cpus? ie i have process 200 and i spawn 2
threads to do a task - do those hreads rn simultaneously on both cpu's
of a 2-way box? that's what my original "ant" on my page is about - i
was informed by a reasonably reliable source that threads on linux
spawned by a single process (and in my case the library would spawn
them silently during a rendering chunk to get the chunk done faser) -
do the threads for a single process run on 2 or moe cpus at one - not
get swithce between cpus and run on one or the other at any point in
time.. but both ? (ie REAL smp as oppoed to multiprogramming that is he
case on UP boxes)

???????????? i'm following the thread ans well - to date i have no
answres one way or the other that make sense?

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)

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