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Subjectre: RasterMan on linux and threads
On 17 Dec, Richard Gooch scribbled:
-> writes:
-> > On 17 Dec, Dan Kegel scribbled:
-> > -> re
-> > ->
-> > -> Rasterman is wrong in saying that all threads run on the same
-> >
-> > hmm - when did that change ? i thought that was the case and was
-> > baked up on hat asumtion by someone else a few weeks ago (primarily
-> > the reason being to make sure the threads share caches for speed
-> > reasons and to make sure cache concurrency issues are moe easiyl
-> > dealt with... well thats what i unerstood... i may be wrong (2.2 or
-> > 2.3 may have changed that)
-> It hasn't changed. Linux always scheduled tasks on available CPUs
-> (sans cache affinity heuristics).
-> IIRC, 1.3.38 was the first kernel with stable SMP support that I
-> played with, and it definately scheduled threads on separate CPUs
-> (otherwise my threaded compute applications wouldn't have sped up by a
-> factor of 2).

hmm - so threads form one process do get scheduled across multiple
cpus? in that case i migt yet get a decent speedup (altho i'm giving
the memory bus a good kicking whilst i'm at it so i probably wont get a
2x speedup since i'll get memopry contention - or likely will - ut
thats to be seen form tests if i can get any decent speedup via threads)

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)

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