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SubjectRe: vfork
> If you rely on SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION as your standards reference,
> it is no surprise that you fail to write portable code. If you
> wish to write portable code, you must purchase a book that covers
> all the bugs and missing features that can stop you.

So wonderful is this documentation I am creating. It tells you
about how things are under libc4 and libc5 and glibc 2.0 and
glibc 2.1, how things are under Linux 0.95 and 2.0.38 and 2.3.15,
what POSIX says, and what the BSD history is.
You get all at once! For free!

Unfortunately, this is a very large amount of work, much more
than a single person can do in his nonexisting spare time.
Fortunately there are a number of good contributors who write
man pages, contribute details, correct flaws.
There should be many more people, either contributing systematically
in some area, or at least writing as soon as they notice a flaw.

How nice would it be, Albert, if you belonged to the people
who actually contributed.

Andries -

P.S. Yesterday night I released man-pages-1.27.

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