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SubjectRe: vfork
Andries Brouwer writes:
> [Albert Cahalan]

>> If you rely on SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION as your standards reference,
>> it is no surprise that you fail to write portable code. If you
>> wish to write portable code, you must purchase a book that covers
>> all the bugs and missing features that can stop you.
> So wonderful is this documentation I am creating. It tells you
> about how things are under libc4 and libc5 and glibc 2.0 and
> glibc 2.1, how things are under Linux 0.95 and 2.0.38 and 2.3.15,
> what POSIX says, and what the BSD history is.
> You get all at once! For free!
> Unfortunately, this is a very large amount of work, much more
> than a single person can do in his nonexisting spare time.
> Fortunately there are a number of good contributors who write
> man pages, contribute details, correct flaws.
> There should be many more people, either contributing systematically
> in some area, or at least writing as soon as they notice a flaw.
> How nice would it be, Albert, if you belonged to the people
> who actually contributed.

This too is offensive. I sent you a mmap() page that actually
documents what a real Linux system does, including various
x86-specific flaws. Last time I checked, you still didn't
have the flaws documented.

Anyway, this is a silly and horrid argument. If you can't say
something nice about vfork(), don't say anything at all.

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