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SubjectRe: That whole Netscape problem...
Netscape 4.x has been 'spontaneously shutting down' since as far as I can recall, on
both Debian and RedHat, under 2.0 and 2.1 kernels. This is nothing kernel related,
maybe indirectly if at all. This is a problem that should be taken up with Netscape
(or whoever it is that manages the browser source code) since this has been a long
standing problem among a great many users of all kernel versions.

Maybe it uses a bad memory management scheme under Linux/Unix and it surfaces itself
under Linux/X Windows. This is a posibility, but I wouldn't stick my neck out so
far (on he lkml) and say it's kernel related, because tehre are MANY X apps that
don't spontaneously close themselves. If it were a less centralized problem...

Mofeed Shahin wrote:

> G'day all,
> I would just like to add to this, I have been running netscape on 2.1.1*
> and have had this problem. I have a modem dial up, so I don't think it has
> much to do with wether you have cable modem, or slower. I too like to
> browse with >15 windows open. But recently it seems to crash with less
> windows open.
> I tried to go to anyother browser because it had annoyed me so much, but
> too my suprise there wasn't much out there that got close (correct me if
> I'm wrong) to netscape.
> The versions of Netscape which showed this problem seemed to be 4.0? -
> 4.5. ie every version I have tried. I haven't tried 3.0?, which I may try
> tonight.
> I never reported it to the Linux kernel list because it didn't seem to be
> kernel related. But since some one else posted I may as well put my 2 bobs
> worth in.
> [SNIP]
> > I'm running Netscape 4.5 here on my RH 5.2 machine w/2.2pre7-ac2 and have
> > found that more and more often with the newer kernels its hanging up. Don't
> > recall this happening in any of the 2.1.13x kernels that I'd tried, but with
> > the 2.2pre kernels it's happening about every half hour to an hour now. Not
> > just when I'm browsing either, it frequently locks up when just picking up my
> > e-mail or un-iconifying the window. I've found that by opening up more
> > windows when browsing, I can cause the whole thing to just lock up that much
> > more quickly than when running just a single browser window. Quite a pain
> > though, as I usually browse with about 15-20 windows open at once. My
> > girlfriend on the other hand, uses one window only and has never experienced a
> > lockup.
> >
> > >From what I do recall having seen in the postings as of late, I get the sense
> > that it has to do with Netscape entering a race condition with the sockets
> > that are feeding information into it's own threading loop. I'm going to wager
> > a guess that many people out there simply aren't experiencing the problems as
> > they're primarily running it on a standard modem as opposed to a
> > LAN/ISDN/ADSL/cable modem. I've got a cable modem here and I'm wagering that
> > it's just feeding stuff in fast enough to force the race condition to occur.
> Cheers Mof.
> -
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