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SubjectRe: That whole Netscape problem...
Linux account wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> > The other day I turned Java completely off in 4.08 and it has not
> > crashed for nearly 3 days. This is with kernel 2.1.132.
> Indeed. On 2.0.36 and 2.1.anything, I've seen Netscape eat the processor
> and freeze with lots of those SIGALRM calls scrolling away to infinity.
> Turn off Java and, though it hogs and hogs memory, it doesn't get into
> this loop.
> So, may I suspect the JVM? I hear a new JVM is coming in 5.

Sorry to spoil the party but I never use Java (am I paranoid or isn't it
about as secure as a paper bag) and I have regular hangs and crashes
(like two-three per week) on 4.06 under 2.0.3x (2.0.35 at present).

I do usually have Javascript turned on, but that's about it. I use it
for web and mail.

The symptoms are either of "Bus Error" (mostly) to just burning CPU and
doing nothing (occasionally). Maybe I should strace() it next time it
gets stuck in a loop, but I haven't yet.


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