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Subjectkernel 2.1.131 with Matrox G100 and matroxfb

what's the current state of the Matrox Productiva G100 support? Is there
any (possibly yet unofficial) patch available?

The G100 support in 2.1.131 doesn't work for me - neither as module nor
compiled in. According to the logs, it cannot determine the memory size
of my graphics card. However it messes up the screen, I cannot see any
useful string on it, instead a mix of chars and horribly flickering
(short) lines.

So my first question is, whether it is possible to leave the screen in a
usable state, when initializing fails (like here with this memory problem)?

I digged a bit in the kernel sources (matroxfb.c). The cause of the error
message seemed to be the determination of the real video memory size in the
getmemory function.
BTW, I have several problems with kernel parameters regarding matroxfb.
What, for example, is the correct syntax for specifying the amount of
memory? Is it 'video=matrox:mem:8M'?
Nevertheless, this didn't help here. One problem is, that the mem variable
is set up in matroxfb_setup, but this is called after matroxfb_init, and
therefore mem is still 0 when used during init. The second problem
(vid.len=0, see above) showed up, when I hardcoded mem to 8, before using
it in the init routine.

Well, there's a new XFree version, which has Matrox G100 support. Maybe
you can get the necessary information from it?

Thank you for any help.



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