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SubjectRe: kernel 2.1.131 with Matrox G100 and matroxfb
Repeat after me: "Serial terminal is my friend." :)
Seriously, this was the only way that I was able to see error messages
with vesafb back in the 2.1.106 days . . .

Paul Laufer

On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Ulf Jaenicke-Roessler wrote:

> Hi,
> what's the current state of the Matrox Productiva G100 support? Is there
> any (possibly yet unofficial) patch available?
> The G100 support in 2.1.131 doesn't work for me - neither as module nor
> compiled in. According to the logs, it cannot determine the memory size
> of my graphics card. However it messes up the screen, I cannot see any
> useful string on it, instead a mix of chars and horribly flickering
> (short) lines.
> So my first question is, whether it is possible to leave the screen in a
> usable state, when initializing fails (like here with this memory problem)?
> I digged a bit in the kernel sources (matroxfb.c). The cause of the error
> message seemed to be the determination of the real video memory size in the
> getmemory function.
> BTW, I have several problems with kernel parameters regarding matroxfb.
> What, for example, is the correct syntax for specifying the amount of
> memory? Is it 'video=matrox:mem:8M'?
> Nevertheless, this didn't help here. One problem is, that the mem variable
> is set up in matroxfb_setup, but this is called after matroxfb_init, and
> therefore mem is still 0 when used during init. The second problem
> (vid.len=0, see above) showed up, when I hardcoded mem to 8, before using
> it in the init routine.
> Well, there's a new XFree version, which has Matrox G100 support. Maybe
> you can get the necessary information from it?
> Thank you for any help.
> Greetings,
> Ulf

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