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Subjectgood 2.1.x SMP kernel is?
  I just got my new system up that uses a dual 450MHz pII on a
ASUS P2B-DS. So far I've tried 2.1.130 (what I was using UP at the
time and seemed stable enough), 2.1.131 (stock, -ac7 & -ac11) and now
pre-2.1.132-2. All tend to croak unhelpfully, at least so far.

Usual thing, no printer hooked up as a serial console and it is
probably croaking too fast to successfully syslog it. Usually reboots
or locks up tight with the screen blanked. Having /var/log/syslog on
a ext2fs mounted as "sync" didn't catch anything either.

Anyway, I can usually cause it to crash pretty reliably in a few
hours or so but until I can contribute to getting it fixed I have compiles
to finish. (: Anyone have a good 2.1.x kernel they can recommend or
suggestions? I've heard 2.0.32 & .33 are Ok, but I'm doing IPv6 and a
few other things that keep me in 2.1.x land.
--- john

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