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SubjectRe: good 2.1.x SMP kernel is?
On Fri, 18 Dec 1998, John Kennedy wrote:
> I just got my new system up that uses a dual 450MHz pII on a
> ASUS P2B-DS. So far I've tried 2.1.130 (what I was using UP at the
> time and seemed stable enough), 2.1.131 (stock, -ac7 & -ac11) and now
> pre-2.1.132-2. All tend to croak unhelpfully, at least so far.
> Usual thing, no printer hooked up as a serial console and it is
> probably croaking too fast to successfully syslog it. Usually reboots
> or locks up tight with the screen blanked. Having /var/log/syslog on
> a ext2fs mounted as "sync" didn't catch anything either.

What exactly are you doing right before it crashes? I have a customer with
a similar problem under 2.1.131 with the same setup (except with an
ICP-Vortex GDT RAID controller instead of the Adaptec SCSI on the P2B-DS),
but I assumed that it was because of his #$%#@ IBM token ring card, over
which he was doing IPX to mars_nwe on the Linux server to copy 40
gigabytes or so of data from his old database. (Said IBM token ring card
would not work under 2.0 at ALL for some reason, it detected, but no go on
getting any data from it).

2.1.131 kernel, SMP, the driver in 2.1.131 is ICP-Vortex's latest, the
stock token ring driver, 1gb of memory, 72gb RAID partition.

If we can find some commonality, we may be able to figure out where to

Eric Lee Green
"Linux represents a best-of-breed UNIX, that is trusted in mission
critical applications..." -- internal Microsoft memo

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