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SubjectRe: The i2o Bus: A Conspiracy Against Free Software? (fwd)
On Fri, 18 Jul 1997, Christopher Blizzard wrote:
> :Also, wouldn't this be anti-competitive practice? They're preventing
> :OS vendors who want to ship source from being able to support the
> :hardware needed to retain market share. Maybe one of them will sue,
> :be it RedHat, Caldera, BSDI or whoever...
> :
> :The other option would be for a company (or individual) to sign the
> :NDA, develop the driver and make it available as a binary only kernel
> :module. Not ideal, I know, but it would at least be one solution.
> :Wasn't something like this done for AFS support?
> There are a couple of examples of this including Caldera's binary module
> for Novell access similar to ncpfs. There was also a serial port driver
> that Alan Cox mentioned once which I belive was distributed as assembly
> that didn't work very well.

One even more important difference is that all those binary only modules
that we currently have are for one filesystem or one specific device
or some other very specific aspect.

The I2O Group is trying to take over all IO subsystems. Now what are we
going to do without display, networking and mass storage devices?
A kernel without all of those devices is not exactly very usefull.

Pretty much all manufacturers in the SCSI sector at least are working
frantically on their move to I2O. For them it wouldn't make much sense
maintaining multiple different interfaces, it only creates additional
costs for them. And why should they ? Microsoft and other M$ controlled
companies like SCO will provide I2O subsystems on time and together they
controll most of the market anyway. The loss in sales to users of Linux,
Free(and other)BSD(s), is negectible in comparison to the amount of money
hardware manufacturers save by having to develop only one driver per
device instead of dozends.

It shouldn't astonish people if they see the I2O API fitting seamlessly
into the NT architecture.


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