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SubjectRe: The i2o Bus: A Conspiracy Against Free Software? (fwd)
In message <>, Tethys writes:
:>> I suspect that if i2o peripherals become popular, free operating systems
:>> will be locked out from running on PC hardware.
:>I've got 2 words for this (if it's true): REVERSE ENGINEER.
:>It's been done before, and it'll be done again...
:Depending on what you're reverse engineering, it may also be illegal.
:However, you should be able to apply dirty/clean room techniques to
:it to achieve the same effect.
:Also, wouldn't this be anti-competitive practice? They're preventing
:OS vendors who want to ship source from being able to support the
:hardware needed to retain market share. Maybe one of them will sue,
:be it RedHat, Caldera, BSDI or whoever...
:The other option would be for a company (or individual) to sign the
:NDA, develop the driver and make it available as a binary only kernel
:module. Not ideal, I know, but it would at least be one solution.
:Wasn't something like this done for AFS support?

There are a couple of examples of this including Caldera's binary module
for Novell access similar to ncpfs. There was also a serial port driver
that Alan Cox mentioned once which I belive was distributed as assembly
that didn't work very well.

Caldera's module may actually be a pretty good example of this. Every
time that a new kernel was released, they had to distribute a new module.
While this model works, it's difficult to manage from a technical
standpoint. I get the feeling that Caldera distributes this modules as
binary only because NDS is available only through an NDA-type agreement.
Also there are various nefarious maketing reasons why this might be the
case that I won't even go into.

The fact remains however that this new "standard" is a threat to the whole
idea of free software. They want control over who has access to the
hardware so they can keep thier grip on the market.


Christopher Blizzard
AppliedTheory Communications, Inc.

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