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SubjectRe: The i2o Bus: A Conspiracy Against Free Software? (fwd)
On Fri, 18 Jul 1997, Tethys wrote:
> >The fact remains however that this new "standard" is a threat to the whole
> >idea of free software. They want control over who has access to the
> >hardware so they can keep thier grip on the market.
> Agreed. The web site claims the NDA is necessary so they can ensure strict
> comformance to the i2o standard, and control the i2o-{ready,compliant}
> marketing phrases.
> A free licence to anyone meeting publicly available comformance tests would
> achieve the same effect, though. As you say, the real reason is so they
> can keep their grip on the market.

Someone should make a comprehensive web page about why I2O is wrong, why
the NDA is wrong, the real reason behind the NDA, why I2O is nothing new,
compare I2O to MCA (that should scare a lot of management types), etc.

Then notify as many journalists as possible.

There needs to be a public outcry _against_ I2O ASAP. Also, a public
education campaign would be good, hence the need for a page.


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