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SubjectRe: The i2o Bus: A Conspiracy Against Free Software? (fwd)
It seems that there would be no easy way Free software could get
in on
this without a company having to charge (or something similar) for the
product, however, in the licensing agreement says that each member has
the right to create their own standards, and micros&^%* is very popular
for doing that, and if my interpretation of the law is correct it is
very possible to reverse engineer such a thing, they have provided
enough information on their pages, and the hardware has to released some
day! Dr. Dobbs published a reverse engineered 4 Mb paging for the
Pentium chips and I don't remember them getting a slap over the wrists
for that.
So basically _if_ this isn't stuffed up by a renegade company
and it _does_
become standard, Linux may only be one step behind, at the most.
| MABS |
| |
| #define *null (bank_account) |

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