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SubjectRe: Cyrix anyone?
> >> How many people are running Cyrix 6x86 processors with Linux
> >> and how do they seem to compare with P5 and P6. I do recall there was a
> >> bug in one of Cyrix chips, can't remember which.
> >I'm using a cyrix 6x86-100 and I haven't had any problems with it. But,
> >while we're on the topic, does the cyrix 6x86 compare to a pentium or a
> >pentium pro. Would installing the pentium-gcc make any difference on my
> >system?
> Since the Cyrix is sooped-up 386 that get Pentium performance, and not a
> Pentium clone, this will probably not help. In fact it may not even work.
> But what the heck, try it and see, if you have the time to play that is.

The M1 is a souped up 386? Somehow when I read the chip review,
it did not seem that simple but I guess I was wrong.


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