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SubjectRe: Cyrix anyone?
> > Since the Cyrix is sooped-up 386 that get Pentium performance, and not a
> > Pentium clone, this will probably not help. In fact it may not even work.
> > But what the heck, try it and see, if you have the time to play that is.
> The M1 is a souped up 386? Somehow when I read the chip review,
> it did not seem that simple but I guess I was wrong.

Umm, what makes you think Cyrix wants to advertise this fact?

Try this: look at at the Pentium specs.
Among them you will see that certain info is _NOT_ publically
available about the Pentium's "special" features - you can sign
an NDA to get the info though.

If another company was to copy this stuff to make a 100% Pentium
compatible chip, you can bet the Intel lawyers would have a field day.

Intel did this on purpose (and used the name 'Pentium' which they can
trademark - you can't trademark numbers) to protect themselves. They
don't want to "just squeak by" in an infringement suit (like they did
with with the 386 and AMD - Intel won their 486 battles, though it
was a long hard fight).

So it is impossible to make a Pentium(Pro) clone, but you _can_
make a faster "mostly compatible" processor Like Cyrix has done.

Note: Intel is a pussycat compared to Nintendo when it comes to
protecting their business (monopoly) is _impossible_ for
another non-Nintendo party to make a game for Nintendo equipment
(a special, simple yet vital cicuit is required, and the design
details are secured by iron-clad legal protection). The last company
that tried to beat the system had 600 laywers on their back in a flash.

Andrew E. Mileski My home page
Linux Plug-and-Play Project Leader. See URL

Red Hat Software sponsors these pages - I have no other affilitation
with Red Hat Software, and I have never used any of their products.

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