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SubjectRe: mcdx.c (1.3.93) + Audio Player Workman = system freezes
Martin.Dalecki ( wrote:
> This is in fact not the only problem with mcdx.c. Since there seems to be
> no longer support for this driver by the original author, I decided to do
> the cleanup. The corrections necessary to make this beast work fine,
> where rather large. So therefore I will post mcdx-2.1 at sunsite/Incoming
> tomorrow. Try it out please.

Nice work. I have had no lockups when accessing mounted CDs with the new
version (with mcdx 1.9 I got several lockups after a few minutes of
CD-activity, sometimes even when I mounted the first CD).

But there are still some problems: ioctl(CDROMEJECT) always returns EIO on
my FX001S (though the disc gets ejected and everything else seems to be
fine). The old mcdx-versions never had that problem.

Also, workman doesn't work with my drive and the new mcdx. Sometimes it doesn't
notice disc changes (e.g. when I start workman while a mounted CD is in the
drive, then unmount and eject that CD and insert an audio-CD, workman
doesn't display the new TOC). If workman regonizes the audio-CD and I press
the start-button, workman starts playing the CD but then stops after one or
two seconds and ejects the disc. mcdx prints the following error:
mcdx: command error cmd = 0x20

Has anybody else seen such problems or am I the only one still using a
single-speed drive? :-)

/* Martin Buck E-Mail: */
/* Student of electrical engineering WWW: */
/* University of Ulm, Germany Snail-Mail: Paukengasse 2, 89077 Ulm, Germany */
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