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SubjectFilesystem state: not clean with AHA2940W AIC7870

I am running Linux kernel 1.3.20 (installed from the 5-CD Slackware 3.0
set). I installed on a 2.1GB SCSI HDD (Conner) and Adaptec AHA2940W
controller with AIC7870 chipset.

I have now completed my seventh Linux installation since mid December.
Finally everything seems stable, but...

I was having crashes and hanging in both Linux and Windoze (which now
resides on a separate IDE HDD with Motherboard controller) which was
apparently due to my CPU (120MHz Pentium) fan not always starting with
system power. The fan has been replaced and for the most part
everything seems stable (as I now only power down when absolutely
necessary) _but_ I still however have this one nagging issue:

dumpe2fs --> says my Linux partitions (/dev/sda2 and /dev/sda3) are
"not clean".

I.E. --> Filesystem state: not clean

on either partition (/dev/sda2=root and /dev/sda3=/usr) after login.

During boot-up everything appears normal and Linux partitions are
reported as "clean" so "no checking" is executed (perhaps I should
force checking with boot parameters?).

Only when I login and actually execute dumpe2fs do I get this report of
unclean filesystem.

I have alotted 1 partition for DOS (>=32) which is /dev/sda1. /dev/sda4
is a 32M swap partition.

One of my Linux colleagues suggested a reinstall with no DOS partitions
on the drive (but should this matter with SCSI?). I thought it best to
strobe a couple of newsgroups to see if anyone else might be
experiencing anything similiar and if I could get some alternate
suggestions. I think the drive is starting to wear out a little from
being reformatted so many times :)

A while back (before I physically looked at my controller) I was very
concerned when I learned that the AIC7850 chipset which is _not_ fully
supported yet, thinking this was my problem. It was a relief to find my
chipset is the AIC7870. I was getting suggestions to update my kernel
to 1.3.68 or greater. Is this necessary with the AIC7870 chipset

Is it safe to run e2fsck with Linux (active) partitions mounted?

Are there ways to determine why my filesystem is not clean and what
might be causing it?

Am I needlessly worrying as everything appears stable with no crashes
or hanging?

Suggestions are welcomed with open arms and open mind.

Regards and Thanks in advance,


ps: Please reply directly to either of the above addresses as I am not
sure whether I am currently subscribed to any of the newsgroups you
might be reading this from.

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