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Subject[GSoC 23] Adding Support for Gecko Converter: Final Report
Dear Perf Tool  Community,

I hope this email finds you well. I'm excited to share the final report
for the "Perf Data Converter" project, which I had the privilege to
work on as part of the Google Summer of Code 2023 program.
This project aimed to enhance the capabilities of the perf tool by adding
support for the Gecko converter, and I'm pleased to present the outcomes
of my efforts.

Project Title: Perf Data Converter
Organization: Linux Perf Tool, Linux Foundation, Google Summer of Code 2023

Final Report Link:
Short Presentation:
(will make it public very soon, looking for feedbacks).

Throughout the summer, I collaborated closely with you all and other
contributors to successfully integrate the Gecko converter into the
perf tool. This integration enables effortless analysis using the
Firefox profiler and streamlines the process of performance analysis.
Notably, the project includes the addition of support to launch the
profiler UI on the default browser, enhancing the user experience.

Key Achievements:

- Gecko Converter Integration
- Profiler UI Launch Support
- Comprehensive Testing and Test Coverage
- Command Line Flexibility
- Process Visualization Options

I invite you to read the detailed final report to learn more about
the project's achievements, contributions, and the next steps. Your
feedback and insights are highly valuable to me as I continue to
contribute to the Linux Perf Tool community.

I would like to express my gratitude to the entire community for the
support and guidance I received throughout this journey. Your contributions
and feedback have been instrumental in making this project a success.

I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of this dynamic and collaborative
community, and I look forward to your thoughts on the final report.

Best regards,
Anup Sharma

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  Last update: 2023-08-27 08:28    [W:0.027 / U:0.768 seconds]
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