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SubjectRe: Why the mail filter?
>I am normally against centralised control, but if you are unwilling to go away, then I have no choice.
Ah, another dipshit white fuck who thinks there's no such things as "constructive eviction" or "constructive dismissal"
and he can claim one thing, but do another.

"I'm normally against centralised control, except when it benifits me"

>but if you are unwilling to go away, then I have no choice.
No one's infront of you, retarded white (pro-woman's rights) fuck.
I never met you. Do you want me to show you what "not going away" is?
Do you?

>I would kindly ask you to stop spreading your hate towards me across
every OpenBSD mailing list, and Linux mailing list, thank you!
And I kindly asked my "fellow opensource C programmers" to assist me
in adding Unreal binary map format support to the aformentioned (previous emails)
opensource project.

But then you informed me that opensource was an exclusive Pro-woman's rights
anti-child bride white faggot club and that I was NEVER going to find any
contributors because I was not a pro-woman's rights white faggot.

You then called me 13, claimed I was looking for financial support for the project,
put the project in a false light as if it was just starting out, etc etc etc.

I may have been programming opensource longer than you; but because you
have the "correct" white faggot beliefs (your religion) I'm "less experianced".
Been programming for decades, dipshit fuck.

Go here:
And program.

Show us the code. Also go here:

Polarian wrote:

Seen as you won't go away I have forwarded the abuse to yahoo and, I wish you the best in life. I am normally against
centralised control, but if you are unwilling to go away, then I have
no choice.

I would kindly ask you to stop spreading your hate towards me across
every OpenBSD mailing list, and Linux mailing list, thank you!

Can the mailing list admins please bounce both the firemail email and
the yahoo email please.

Take care,
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