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SubjectRe: [PATCH 5.1 003/115] HID: input: make sure the wheel high resolution multiplier is set
Uhm - could someone please "clue me in" here?

When I look into:

'move all the pending queues back to their "real" places'

I can find both the "d43c17ead879ba7c076dc2f5fd80cd76047c9ff4" patch, "HID: input: make sure the wheel high resolution multiplier is set" and the "39b3c3a5fbc5d744114e497d35bf0c12f798c134" patch, "HID: input: fix assignment of .value".

I take this to mean that these patches are "in the stable-queue". But then, these patches are not "in the kernel".

So then, how do these patches go from being "in the stable-queue" to being "in the kernel"?

To the "uninitiated" and "naive", as I am, to outward appearances, the patches are "just sitting there". How do the patches get selected for inclusion into the "next" kernel revision?


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  Last update: 2019-06-18 19:24    [W:0.480 / U:0.204 seconds]
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