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Subjectstaging/android: questions regarding TODO entries

This todo entry from staging/android/TODO intriguates me:

vsoc.c, uapi/vsoc_shm.h
- The current driver uses the same wait queue for all of the futexes in a
region. This will cause false wakeups in regions with a large number of
waiting threads. We should eventually use multiple queues and select the
queue based on the region.

I am not sure to understand it very well.

What does "select the queue based on the region" mean here ? We already
have one queue per region, right ?

What I understand: there is one wait queue per region, meaning that if
threads T1 to Tn are waiting at offsets O1 to On (same region), then a
wakeup at offset Om will wake them all. In this case there is a perf issue
because only Tm (waiting for changes at offset Om) really wants to be
waken up here, the rest is a bunch of spurious wakeups.

Does the todo suggest to have one queue per offset ?

Also, this comment (drivers/staging/android/vsoc.c) mentions a worst case
of ten threads:

* TODO(b/73664181): Use multiple futex wait queues.
* We need to wake every sleeper when the condition changes. Typically
* only a single thread will be waiting on the condition, but there
* are exceptions. The worst case is about 10 threads.

It is not clear to me how this value has been obtained, nor under which
conditions it might be true. There is no maximum to the number of threads
fitting in the wait queue, so how can we be sure that at most ten threads
will wait at the same offset ?

second, unrelated question:

In the VSOC_SELF_INTERRUPT ioctl (which might be removed in the future if
VSOC_WAIT_FOR_INCOMING_INTERRUPT disappears, right ?), incoming_signalled
is set to 1 but at no other place in the driver we reset it to zero. So,
once VSOC_SELF_INTERRUPT has been executed once,

Thanks for your work !


PS: cc-ing the result of + contacts from todo. Please
tell me if this is not the right way to go.

Hugo Lefeuvre (hle) |
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