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Subject[PATCH 1/3] drm: rcar-du: Rework clock configuration based on hardware limits
From: Laurent Pinchart <>

The DU channels that have a display PLL (DPLL) can only use external
clock sources, and don't have an internal clock divider (with the
exception of H3 ES1.x where the post-divider is present and needs to be
used as a workaround for a DPLL silicon issue).

Rework the clock configuration to take this into account, avoiding
selection of non-existing clock sources or usage of a missing

Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <>
drivers/gpu/drm/rcar-du/rcar_du_crtc.c | 122 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/rcar-du/rcar_du_crtc.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/rcar-du/rcar_du_crtc.c
index b52b3e8..6d55cec 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/rcar-du/rcar_du_crtc.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/rcar-du/rcar_du_crtc.c
@@ -208,78 +208,90 @@ static void rcar_du_crtc_set_display_timing(struct rcar_du_crtc *rcrtc)
const struct drm_display_mode *mode = &rcrtc->crtc.state->adjusted_mode;
struct rcar_du_device *rcdu = rcrtc->group->dev;
unsigned long mode_clock = mode->clock * 1000;
- unsigned long clk;
u32 value;
u32 escr;
- u32 div;

- /*
- * Compute the clock divisor and select the internal or external dot
- * clock based on the requested frequency.
- */
- clk = clk_get_rate(rcrtc->clock);
- div = DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST(clk, mode_clock);
- div = clamp(div, 1U, 64U) - 1;
- escr = div | ESCR_DCLKSEL_CLKS;
- if (rcrtc->extclock) {
+ if (rcdu->info->dpll_ch & (1 << rcrtc->index)) {
+ unsigned long target = mode_clock;
struct dpll_info dpll = { 0 };
unsigned long extclk;
- unsigned long extrate;
- unsigned long rate;
- u32 extdiv;
+ u32 dpllcr;
+ u32 div = 0;

- extclk = clk_get_rate(rcrtc->extclock);
- if (rcdu->info->dpll_ch & (1 << rcrtc->index)) {
- unsigned long target = mode_clock;
+ /*
+ * DU channels that have a display PLL can't use the internal
+ * system clock, and have no internal clock divider.
+ */

- /*
- * The H3 ES1.x exhibits dot clock duty cycle stability
- * issues. We can work around them by configuring the
- * DPLL to twice the desired frequency, coupled with a
- * /2 post-divider. This isn't needed on other SoCs and
- * breaks HDMI output on M3-W for a currently unknown
- * reason, so restrict the workaround to H3 ES1.x.
- */
- if (soc_device_match(rcar_du_r8a7795_es1))
- target *= 2;
+ if (WARN_ON(!rcrtc->extclock))
+ return;

- rcar_du_dpll_divider(rcrtc, &dpll, extclk, target);
- extclk = dpll.output;
+ /*
+ * The H3 ES1.x exhibits dot clock duty cycle stability issues.
+ * We can work around them by configuring the DPLL to twice the
+ * desired frequency, coupled with a /2 post-divider. Restrict
+ * the workaround to H3 ES1.x as ES2.0 and all other SoCs have
+ * no post-divider when a display PLL is present (as shown by
+ * the workaround breaking HDMI output on M3-W during testing).
+ */
+ if (soc_device_match(rcar_du_r8a7795_es1)) {
+ target *= 2;
+ div = 1;

- extdiv = DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST(extclk, mode_clock);
- extdiv = clamp(extdiv, 1U, 64U) - 1;
+ extclk = clk_get_rate(rcrtc->extclock);
+ rcar_du_dpll_divider(rcrtc, &dpll, extclk, target);

- rate = clk / (div + 1);
- extrate = extclk / (extdiv + 1);
+ | DPLLCR_FDPLL(dpll.fdpll)
+ | DPLLCR_N(dpll.n) | DPLLCR_M(dpll.m)

- if (abs((long)extrate - (long)mode_clock) <
- abs((long)rate - (long)mode_clock)) {
+ if (rcrtc->index == 1)
+ dpllcr |= DPLLCR_PLCS1
+ else
+ dpllcr |= DPLLCR_PLCS0

- if (rcdu->info->dpll_ch & (1 << rcrtc->index)) {
- u32 dpllcr = DPLLCR_CODE | DPLLCR_CLKE
- | DPLLCR_FDPLL(dpll.fdpll)
- | DPLLCR_N(dpll.n) | DPLLCR_M(dpll.m)
+ rcar_du_group_write(rcrtc->group, DPLLCR, dpllcr);

- if (rcrtc->index == 1)
- dpllcr |= DPLLCR_PLCS1
- else
- dpllcr |= DPLLCR_PLCS0
+ escr = ESCR_DCLKSEL_DCLKIN | div;
+ } else {
+ unsigned long clk;
+ u32 div;

- rcar_du_group_write(rcrtc->group, DPLLCR,
- dpllcr);
- }
+ /*
+ * Compute the clock divisor and select the internal or external
+ * dot clock based on the requested frequency.
+ */
+ clk = clk_get_rate(rcrtc->clock);
+ div = DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST(clk, mode_clock);
+ div = clamp(div, 1U, 64U) - 1;

- escr = ESCR_DCLKSEL_DCLKIN | extdiv;
- }
+ escr = ESCR_DCLKSEL_CLKS | div;

- dev_dbg(rcrtc->group->dev->dev,
- "mode clock %lu extrate %lu rate %lu ESCR 0x%08x\n",
- mode_clock, extrate, rate, escr);
+ if (rcrtc->extclock) {
+ unsigned long extclk;
+ unsigned long extrate;
+ unsigned long rate;
+ u32 extdiv;
+ extclk = clk_get_rate(rcrtc->extclock);
+ extdiv = DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST(extclk, mode_clock);
+ extdiv = clamp(extdiv, 1U, 64U) - 1;
+ extrate = extclk / (extdiv + 1);
+ rate = clk / (div + 1);
+ if (abs((long)extrate - (long)mode_clock) <
+ abs((long)rate - (long)mode_clock))
+ escr = ESCR_DCLKSEL_DCLKIN | extdiv;
+ dev_dbg(rcrtc->group->dev->dev,
+ "mode clock %lu extrate %lu rate %lu ESCR 0x%08x\n",
+ mode_clock, extrate, rate, escr);
+ }

rcar_du_group_write(rcrtc->group, rcrtc->index % 2 ? ESCR2 : ESCR,
 \ /
  Last update: 2018-07-30 19:21    [W:0.325 / U:0.096 seconds]
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