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Subjecttmpfs and brickability (size=50% default considered naieve).
If you have two default tmpfs instances on your box (hi buildroot!) and
they're world writeable and a normal user goes "cat /dev/zero >
/run/fillit; cat /dev/zero > /tmp/fillit" the system then goes "sh:
can't fork" trying to call rm on those files, because they each default
to 50% of total system memory, no matter how many instances there are.
It only stops writing when memory allocation fails in the kernel.

I'm not quite sure how to fix that. I want to say "change the default to
be 50% of what's _left_" (and if you size= manually you get to keep the
pieces) but define "what's left"? Other things are using some memory
already, the 50% _was_ the amount it's safe for tmpfs to use. (Once upon
a time the logic was that 50% of memory can go to disk cache. I think
that's gotten a bit more complicated since then? No idea what the
current rules are.)

This is related to the guy who wanted initramfs to be ramfs instead of
tmpfs because he had a cpio.gz that extracted to >50% of system memory
so it extracted fine with ramfs but hit the limit and failed with tmpfs.
That sounds like a tmpfs rootfs (I.E. initmpfs) should start with a
limit of 90% and then scale it _down_ to 50% after extracting the cpio.
(I wonder what happens if you -o remount the size= limit to smaller than
the filesystem currently holds? Hmmm...)


P.S. Yes I need to pipe rootflags= through so you can specify the size
on the command line. I've got 3 or 4 initramfs/tmpfs plates spinning and
haven't had a chance to work on them all merge window. I'll try to get
some patches ready by next weekend, if they miss the release they miss
the release...

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  Last update: 2018-02-11 02:54    [W:2.581 / U:0.008 seconds]
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