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SubjectNew vger mailing list request - linux-firmware
Dear vger postmaster,

I think its time for a linux-firmware mailing list. If one is possible
on vger that'd be great, otherwise let me know and I can look for an
alternative outlet.

I've been giving linux-firmware some good love as of late. One of the
issues I have seen with old commits had been lack of eyeball reviews,
and and also ensuring the "right people" do review and get CC'd. While
I do tend to CC everyone and their mom, its easy for me to know who
should be as I'm maintaining the code now -- but I see some folks fail
to capture everyone I know should be reviewing things or might like to
get Cc'd on such topics. Tools like checkpatch help but its not
perfect and now everyone use it. Instead of CC'ing everyone I know
should be Cc'd on linux-firmware stuff I think its time for a proper
mailing list for it.

This should also help with reviewing old patches and letting new folks
engage more easily by looking at specific dedicate archive of what's
going on.

Let me know and thanks in advance!


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  Last update: 2017-06-12 01:13    [W:0.067 / U:0.024 seconds]
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