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Subject[PATCH 0/3] Allow setting dmi-product-name on the cmdline + dmi sdhci quirk
Hi All,

So patch 1/3 and 2+3/3 are only somewhat related and they can be merged
independent of each other.

The catch is that the GPD win for which patch 3/3 adds a dmi based quirk
does not have any usable dmi strings. I've contacted the manufacturer
for a BIOS update (no clue how that will go) but even with the BIOS update
I believe patch 1/3 will be useful for similar cases and for people who
do not want to flash their BIOS.

So if Jean is happy with patch 1/3 then 2+3/3 can be merged independently.




Takashi this means that you can add a dmi based quirk for the headphone
detection too, my goal is to make everything just work on the GPD win
if the user supplies dmi_product_name=GPD-WINI55 on the kernel cmdline
(we will also need a udev hwdb entry to fix the accelerometer orientation).

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  Last update: 2017-02-25 18:25    [W:0.074 / U:0.888 seconds]
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