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SubjectRe: PROBLEM: 4.15.0-rc3 APIC causes lockups on Core 2 Duo laptop
On Mon 2017-12-18 03:20:11, Alexandru Chirvasitu wrote:
> Short description of the problem: latest rc kernel results in seemingly APIC-caused hard lockups, whereas latest stable kernel works fine.
> I have an old ASUS F5RL laptop with an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T5450 @1.66GHz. It is currently running Debian 9.3 stable 32 bit (by default on a 4.9-series kernel), but I have been compiling and installing the latest kernels.

Thanks for doing that.

> The latest rc kernel at the time of this writing (4.15.0-rc3) boots but then results in hard lockups on both CPUs after login. Starting in recovery mode returns the error
> "spurious APIC interrupt through vector ff on CPU#0, should never happen"
> before lockip up the CPUs again. A hard reboot is necessary.
> Starting with kernel option noapic logs me in uneventfully, but for some reason has the effect of rendering my ethrenet card inoperable. It is a Qualcomm Atheros Attansic L2 Fast Ethernet (rev a0), handled by kernel module atl2. In noapic mode the card is still seen by the system, can be brought up / down, etc., but dhclient never manages to acquire a lease.
> Starting with kernel option nolapic instead brings up the network and logs me in, but only sees one CPU instead of two, as usual.
> The latest kernel that exhibits none of these issues is the latest stable one as of this writing: 4.14.7.
> ---
> As this seems to be APIC-related, I am sending the message to the maintainers mentioned in arch/x86/kernel/apic/apic.c. I am unsure whether this is the correct procedure however.

Good enough procedure. You want to always copy linux-kernel mailing
list, and you should probably look for X86 maintainers in MAINTAINERS
file, and cc them, too.

If you run out of other options, you can always do "git bisect"...

Best regards, Pavel
(cesky, pictures)
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