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SubjectRe: Kernel docs: muddying the waters a bit
On Thu, 03 Mar 2016 16:03:14 +0200
Jani Nikula <> wrote:

> This stalled a bit, but the waters are still muddy...

So I've been messing with this a bit; wanted to do a proper patch posting
but I'm fried and mostly out of time for the moment.

The results I'm getting now can be seen at:

I've pulled in a few templates (including gpu.tmpl), converted them, and
built them into some reasonable-looking HTML, modulo a fair number of
glitches. There's lots of details to deal with, but the broad shape of it
is there. If you look, you'll see that things like cross-file
cross-references, a feature we've never had before, work nicely.

I can also get good EPUB and PDF output - except that rst2pdf is
currently crashing on me, which is a little discouraging. Man page
output will take more work.

What I have so far can be pulled from:

git:// doc/sphinx

It's still based on using docproc because that was easiest (for me). The
kernel-doc part is Jani's asciidoc stuff, hacked up and made uglier. I'm
not sure that any of it is worth more than a demonstration of what can be
done; I'm not particularly proud of (or tied to) any of it. But it's a

I've not looked at the table situation at all; soon.


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