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SubjectRe: Kernel docs: muddying the waters a bit
Daniel Vetter <> writes:

> The other one is graphs - Keith showed me some neat stuff that
> asciidoc can do, and I definitely wanted to integrate something like
> that as a follow-up into the kerneldoc toolchain. Often a diagram is a
> lot more helpful than lots of words. Can sphinx gives us that too?

.. graphviz::

digraph foo {
"bar" -> "baz";

Even better than asciidoc -- svg output is supported in both html and
pdf (when using rst2pdf). I had to hack asciidoc to add support for svg
output when using docbook.

> Wrt reformatting: I'm not going to like it, but I hope that with a bit
> of sed we can fix up any of the asciidoc comments we have already
> easily - right now we don't (yet) use much of the more sophisticated
> markup yet. So much better to change now than 1 year down the road.

I used pandoc on the docbook output from asciidoc to get a 100 page
document converted here. It wasn't perfect -- all of the internal links
were busted, and labels for tables were mis-positioned. It might be that
a few minor fixes to pandoc could be done to add 'sphinx'-specific rst
support that could fix this?

I spent (too much) time yesterday playing with sphinx and generated a
new html theme. Here's the result:

Here's the PDF output from rst2pdf, a python-based PDF output which
doesn't use docbook *or* latex:

I need to spend some quality time building my own PDF theme; the default
provided by rst2pdf isn't great. It does, however, use fontconfig, so
switching fonts is *way* easier than with docbook...

There's currently an incompatibility between the rst2pdf and sphnix
packages in debian (and upstream) which I hacked around to generate that
output, but otherwise I'm using packaged bits.

So, another pro for sphinx appears to be native PDF generation...

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