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Subjecti915 4.5 bugfix backport and release management issue?
Hi all-

AFAICT something got rather screwed up in i915 land for 4.5.

$ git log --oneline --grep='Pretend cursor is always on' v4.5
e2e407dc093f drm/i915: Pretend cursor is always on for ILK-style WM
calculations (v2)

$ git log --oneline --grep='Pretend cursor is always on' v4.6-rc1
e2e407dc093f drm/i915: Pretend cursor is always on for ILK-style WM
calculations (v2)
b2435692dbb7 drm/i915: Pretend cursor is always on for ILK-style WM
calculations (v2)

The two patches there are almost, but not quite, the same thing, which
makes me wonder how they both ended up in Linus' tree without an
obvious merge conflict.

I have no idea what caused this. However, I think (on very little
inspection, but it's consistent with problems I have with 4.5 on my
laptop) that the first one is an *incorrect* fix for a regression in
4.5 and the second is a correct fix for the same regression. 4.6-rc1
seems okay.

I reported the regression and everyone involved has known about it for
weeks. Nonetheless, 4.5 final is busted.

Can you please:

a) figure out what happened and send a backport of whatever needs to
be backported to

b) do whatever needs to be done so this doesn't happen again

c) teach the i915 CI system to test Linus' tree as-is in addition to
the development trees. Linus' tree and the versions of i915 in actual
released versions of Linux are supposed to work.

I hate to nag, but this is at least the third time I've noticed weird
release management issues in i915. I tripped on a regression a few
releases ago that was known to the i915 team and fixed but the fix
wasn't actually queued up for the current release. Before that, I
tripped on a regression caused by an intentional behavior change that
was folded in to a merge commit, making it essentially impossible to
bisect and making it pointlessly hard to understand what was going on
even once I found the offending code.


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  Last update: 2016-03-29 05:21    [W:0.082 / U:0.288 seconds]
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