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Subject[PATCH 1/2] get_maintainer: add --no-foo options to --help
Many flag options are boolean and support both a positive and a negative
invocation from the command line. Some of these are even mentioned by
example (e.g., --nogit is mentioned as a default option), but they
aren't explicitly mentioned in the list of options. It happens that some
of these are pretty important, as they are default-on, and to turn them
off, you have to know about the --no-foo version.

Anyway, let's document them now.

Signed-off-by: Brian Norris <>
scripts/ | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 98bae869f6d0..04ae47a8a5bd 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -771,43 +771,43 @@ usage: $P [options] patchfile
version: $V

MAINTAINER field selection options:
- --email => print email address(es) if any
- --git => include recent git \*-by: signers
- --git-all-signature-types => include signers regardless of signature type
+ --[no]email => print email address(es) if any
+ --[no]git => include recent git \*-by: signers
+ --[no]git-all-signature-types => include signers regardless of signature type
or use only ${signature_pattern} signers (default: $email_git_all_signature_types)
- --git-fallback => use git when no exact MAINTAINERS pattern (default: $email_git_fallback)
- --git-chief-penguins => include ${penguin_chiefs}
+ --[no]git-fallback => use git when no exact MAINTAINERS pattern (default: $email_git_fallback)
+ --[no]git-chief-penguins => include ${penguin_chiefs}
--git-min-signatures => number of signatures required (default: $email_git_min_signatures)
--git-max-maintainers => maximum maintainers to add (default: $email_git_max_maintainers)
--git-min-percent => minimum percentage of commits required (default: $email_git_min_percent)
- --git-blame => use git blame to find modified commits for patch or file
+ --[no]git-blame => use git blame to find modified commits for patch or file
--git-since => git history to use (default: $email_git_since)
--hg-since => hg history to use (default: $email_hg_since)
- --interactive => display a menu (mostly useful if used with the --git option)
- --m => include maintainer(s) if any
- --r => include reviewer(s) if any
- --n => include name 'Full Name <addr\@domain.tld>'
- --l => include list(s) if any
- --s => include subscriber only list(s) if any
- --remove-duplicates => minimize duplicate email names/addresses
- --roles => show roles (status:subsystem, git-signer, list, etc...)
- --rolestats => show roles and statistics (commits/total_commits, %)
- --file-emails => add email addresses found in -f file (default: 0 (off))
- --scm => print SCM tree(s) if any
- --status => print status if any
- --subsystem => print subsystem name if any
- --web => print website(s) if any
+ --[no]interactive => display a menu (mostly useful if used with the --git option)
+ --[no]m => include maintainer(s) if any
+ --[no]r => include reviewer(s) if any
+ --[no]n => include name 'Full Name <addr\@domain.tld>'
+ --[no]l => include list(s) if any
+ --[no]s => include subscriber only list(s) if any
+ --[no]remove-duplicates => minimize duplicate email names/addresses
+ --[no]roles => show roles (status:subsystem, git-signer, list, etc...)
+ --[no]rolestats => show roles and statistics (commits/total_commits, %)
+ --[no]file-emails => add email addresses found in -f file (default: 0 (off))
+ --[no]scm => print SCM tree(s) if any
+ --[no]status => print status if any
+ --[no]subsystem => print subsystem name if any
+ --[no]web => print website(s) if any

Output type options:
--separator [, ] => separator for multiple entries on 1 line
using --separator also sets --nomultiline if --separator is not [, ]
- --multiline => print 1 entry per line
+ --[no]multiline => print 1 entry per line

Other options:
--pattern-depth => Number of pattern directory traversals (default: 0 (all))
- --keywords => scan patch for keywords (default: $keywords)
- --sections => print all of the subsystem sections with pattern matches
- --mailmap => use .mailmap file (default: $email_use_mailmap)
+ --[no]keywords => scan patch for keywords (default: $keywords)
+ --[no]sections => print all of the subsystem sections with pattern matches
+ --[no]mailmap => use .mailmap file (default: $email_use_mailmap)
--version => show version
--help => show this help information


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  Last update: 2015-08-20 02:21    [W:2.203 / U:0.308 seconds]
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