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Subjectquestion about cpusets vs sched_setaffinity()

I've got a question about the interaction between cpusets and sched_setaffinity().

If I put a task into a cpuset and then call sched_setaffinity() on it, it will
be affined to the intersection of the two sets of cpus. (Those specified on the
set, and those specified in the syscall.)

However, if I then change the cpus in the cpuset the process affinity will
simply be overwritten by the new cpuset affinity. It does not seem to take into
account any restrictions from the original sched_setaffinity() call.

Wouldn't it make more sense to affine the process to the intersection between
the new set of cpus from the cpuset, and the current process affinity? That way
if I explicitly masked out certain CPUs in the original sched_setaffinity() call
then they would remain masked out regardless of changes to the set of cpus
assigned to the cpuset.


PS: Not subscribed to the list, please CC me on replies.

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