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SubjectGeneric DT binding for IPIs

This is an attempt to revive a discussion on the right list this time
with all the correct people hopefully on CC.

While trying to upstream a driver, Thomas and Marc Zyngier pointed out
the need for a generic IPI support in the kernel to allow driver to
reserve and send ones. Hopefully my latest RFC patch will help to
clarify what's being done.

We need a generic DT binding support to accompany that to allow a driver
to reserve an IPI using this new mechanism.

MarcZ had the following suggestion:

Which in summary is

mydevice@f0000000 {
interrupt-source = <&intc INT_SPEC 2 &inttarg1 &inttarg1>;

inttarg1: mydevice@f1000000 {
interrupt-sink = <&intc HWAFFINITY1>;

inttarg2: cpu@1 {
interrupt-sink = <&intc HWAFFINITY2>;

interrupt-sink requests to reserve an IPI that it will receive at
HWAFFINITY cpumask. interrupt-source will not do any reservation. It
will simply connect an IPI reserved by interrupt-sink to the device that
will be responsible for generating that IPI. This description should
allow connecting any 2 devices.
Correct me Marc if I got it wrong please.

I suggested a simplification by assuming that IPIs will only be between
host OS and a coprocessor which would gives us this form which I think
is easier to deal with

coprocessor {
interrupt-source = <&intc INT_SPEC COP_HWAFFINITY>;
interrupt-sink = <&intc INT_SPEC CPU_HWAFFINITY>;

interrupt-source here reserves an IPI to be sent from host OS to
coprocessor at COP_HWAFFINITY. interrupt-sink will reserve an IPI to be
received by host OS at CPU_HWAFFINITY. Less generic but I don't know how
important it is for host OS to setup IPIs between 2 external
coprocessors and whether it should really be doing that.

What do the DT experts think? Any preference or a better suggestion?

I tried to keep this short and simple, please let me know if you need
more info or if there's anything that needs more clarification.


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