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SubjectRe: [PATCH 2/2] spi/pxa2xx-pci: Pass host clock rate info from PCI glue layer
> Why is this conditional?  It's really unhelpful for writing generic code
> handling clocks that the API isn't available as standard. Allowing the
> user to disable it if it's not required makes sense but not making it
> available at all is just unhelpful.

KConfig allows drivers to select features they need - this seems to be a
non issue ?

> As far as I can tell the clock here is part of the same glue that allows
> the generic pxa2xx support to be instantiated from PCI. I would
> therefore expect the glue to also instantiate the clock. Or if it's a
> standard PCI clock then perhaps the PCI subsystem ought to be providing
> it.

For most cases it probably makes sense to do something of that form,
although as clk_enable/clk_disable allow NULL it's much less of an issue
than it might otherwise be for some of the other drivers.


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  Last update: 2014-04-22 17:21    [W:0.195 / U:0.036 seconds]
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