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Subjectselftests: standardized results output?
Hi,  I'm looking into what sorts of tools can consume the selftest output, and
found this on the wikipage:

The current suggestion (as of the last-modified date on that wiki page for
October) is to use the Test Anything Protocol [TAP] for standard output. I
notice that there is at least one test that conforms to TAP output, but
the majority of the tests are not using it.

There's also the kselftest.h file that suggests exit codes for the individual
test applications.

I'm interested in knowing what is the intention of this standardization, so
that I can put some work into a "glue" layer for a tool like buildbot,
autotest, or Jenkins for executing and consuming the results of these

1) Is this output standard a "nice to have" that won't be much enforced?
2) Will the exit codes be utilized outside of the current makefile-based
approach for executing the tests? The current make target just runs all the
tests without really concerning itself with the exit values of the
individual tests. It's simple, which isn't a bad thing, but it lacks a
summarized result. Is the intention to use a different harness to consume
and report results?
3) Are the TAP results intended to be the exclusive (std)output of the tests,
or will the tests report in a hybrid fashion?
Such an example would be a test that produces some verbose stdout to the
console, while simultaneously creating a TAP-compliant results.tap file as
well... or vice versa with the stdout being TAP and a more verbose but
free-form log.txt


- David Young

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