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SubjectRe: [PATCH] dmatest: add ability to disable pq and xor

On 6/4/13 12:25 AM, "Andy Shevchenko" <> wrote:

>On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 2:29 AM, Jon Mason <> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 11:22:10AM +0300, Andy Shevchenko wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Jon Mason <> wrote:
>>> > dmatest would create a thread to stress XOR and PQ, if the
>>>capability is
>>> > present in the hardware. Add the ability to disable XOR and PQ by
>>> > disabling it if *_sources are set to zero.
>>> Sorry, didn't comment this earlier.
>>> Those threads are independent including MEMCPY stuff.
>>> I think it's better to have one additional parameter let's say
>>> type_of_test where you can set
>>> 1 for MEMCPY
>>> 2 for XOR
>>> 4 for PQ
>>> Share this parameter via debugfs and use 0x07 as default value.
>>> I doubt we need this as a module parameter.
>> This is using the existing module parameter, so there is nothing new
>> added.
>That's why it's a bit confusing. User can more easily forget the
>'magic' numbers. And I see no reason to prevent user to enter 0 as a
>number of sources.

Well, source counts less than 2 are invalid for these operations, but that
is besides the point.

>Moreover, your patch doesn't cover the case when user doesn't want to
>run MEMCPY thread.

Yes, this is what I wanted to point out. If we're adding per operation
type selection, might as well enable memcpy to be controlled too.
Especially if we just use a bitmap_and() with the dma_cap_mask() to pick
which tests to run. Might also encourage some slave-op test types to be
added as well.

>> Since the testing is started immediately upon module
>> insertion,
>It used to be so, but nowadays it's true only when dmatest is compiled in.
>If someone wants to compile in that module they probably want to run
>stress tests, where XOR and PQ might be useful.

...and they would want the test selection to be specified on the kernel
command line. At least that's how I used compiled in dmatest in the past.

>> there needs to be a way to prevent it from ever starting.
>My opinion I already shared, new node under debugfs. There is might be
>a good reason to add a new module parameter as well.

I'm not seeing why debugfs is helpful here. Just make it a module
parameter that calls a routine to setup the bit mask.


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  Last update: 2013-06-04 20:21    [W:0.165 / U:0.072 seconds]
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