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Subject[PATCH 2/2] Staging: bcm: Change comment style to C89 in vendorspecificextn.c
Changed the comment style to C89 in vendorspecificextn.c. Found with

Signed-off-by: Severin Gsponer <>
drivers/staging/bcm/vendorspecificextn.c | 198 +++++++++++++++---------------
1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/bcm/vendorspecificextn.c b/drivers/staging/bcm/vendorspecificextn.c
index be1f91d..d38a06f 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/bcm/vendorspecificextn.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/bcm/vendorspecificextn.c
@@ -1,70 +1,70 @@
#include "headers.h"
-// Procedure: vendorextnGetSectionInfo
-// Description: Finds the type of NVM used.
-// Arguments:
-// Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance
-// pNVMType - ptr to NVM type.
-// Returns:
+ * Procedure: vendorextnGetSectionInfo
+ *
+ * Description: Finds the type of NVM used.
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * Adapter - ptr to Adapter object instance
+ * pNVMType - ptr to NVM type.
+ * Returns:
+ *
+ */
INT vendorextnGetSectionInfo(PVOID pContext, struct bcm_flash2x_vendor_info *pVendorInfo)

-// Procedure: vendorextnInit
-// Description: Initializing the vendor extension NVM interface
-// Arguments:
-// Adapter - Pointer to MINI Adapter Structure.
-// Returns:
+ * Procedure: vendorextnInit
+ *
+ * Description: Initializing the vendor extension NVM interface
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * Adapter - Pointer to MINI Adapter Structure
+ * Returns:
+ *
+ *
+ */
INT vendorextnInit(struct bcm_mini_adapter *Adapter)

-// Procedure: vendorextnExit
-// Description: Free the resource associated with vendor extension NVM interface
-// Arguments:
-// Adapter - Pointer to MINI Adapter Structure.
-// Returns:
+ * Procedure: vendorextnExit
+ *
+ * Description: Free the resource associated with vendor extension NVM interface
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *
+ *
+ */
INT vendorextnExit(struct bcm_mini_adapter *Adapter)

-// Procedure: vendorextnIoctl
-// Description: execute the vendor extension specific ioctl
-// Adapter -Beceem private Adapter Structure
-// cmd -vendor extension specific Ioctl commad
-// arg -input parameter sent by vendor
-// Returns:
-// CONTINUE_COMMON_PATH in case it is not meant to be processed by vendor ioctls
-// STATUS_SUCCESS/STATUS_FAILURE as per the IOCTL return value
+ * Procedure: vendorextnIoctl
+ *
+ * Description: execute the vendor extension specific ioctl
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * Adapter -Beceem private Adapter Structure
+ * cmd -vendor extension specific Ioctl commad
+ * arg -input parameter sent by vendor
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * CONTINUE_COMMON_PATH in case it is not meant to be processed by vendor ioctls
+ * STATUS_SUCCESS/STATUS_FAILURE as per the IOCTL return value
+ */
INT vendorextnIoctl(struct bcm_mini_adapter *Adapter, UINT cmd, ULONG arg)
@@ -72,22 +72,21 @@ INT vendorextnIoctl(struct bcm_mini_adapter *Adapter, UINT cmd, ULONG arg)

-// Procedure: vendorextnReadSection
-// Description: Reads from a section of NVM
-// Arguments:
-// pContext - ptr to Adapter object instance
-// pBuffer - Read the data from Vendor Area to this buffer
-// SectionVal - Value of type of Section
-// Offset - Read from the Offset of the Vendor Section.
-// numOfBytes - Read numOfBytes from the Vendor section to Buffer
-// Returns:
+ * Procedure: vendorextnReadSection
+ *
+ * Description: Reads from a section of NVM
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * pContext - ptr to Adapter object instance
+ * pBuffer - Read the data from Vendor Area to this buffer
+ * SectionVal - Value of type of Section
+ * Offset - Read from the Offset of the Vendor Section.
+ * numOfBytes - Read numOfBytes from the Vendor section to Buffer
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ */

INT vendorextnReadSection(PVOID pContext, PUCHAR pBuffer, enum bcm_flash2x_section_val SectionVal,
UINT offset, UINT numOfBytes)
@@ -97,23 +96,22 @@ INT vendorextnReadSection(PVOID pContext, PUCHAR pBuffer, enum bcm_flash2x_sect

-// Procedure: vendorextnWriteSection
-// Description: Write to a Section of NVM
-// Arguments:
-// pContext - ptr to Adapter object instance
-// pBuffer - Write the data provided in the buffer
-// SectionVal - Value of type of Section
-// Offset - Writes to the Offset of the Vendor Section.
-// numOfBytes - Write num Bytes after reading from pBuffer.
-// bVerify - the Buffer Written should be verified.
-// Returns:
+ * Procedure: vendorextnWriteSection
+ *
+ * Description: Write to a Section of NVM
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * pContext - ptr to Adapter object instance
+ * pBuffer - Write the data provided in the buffer
+ * SectionVal - Value of type of Section
+ * Offset - Writes to the Offset of the Vendor Section.
+ * numOfBytes - Write num Bytes after reading from pBuffer.
+ * bVerify - the Buffer Written should be verified.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ */
INT vendorextnWriteSection(PVOID pContext, PUCHAR pBuffer, enum bcm_flash2x_section_val SectionVal,
UINT offset, UINT numOfBytes, BOOLEAN bVerify)
@@ -122,25 +120,23 @@ INT vendorextnWriteSection(PVOID pContext, PUCHAR pBuffer, enum bcm_flash2x_sec

-// Procedure: vendorextnWriteSectionWithoutErase
-// Description: Write to a Section of NVM without erasing the sector
-// Arguments:
-// pContext - ptr to Adapter object instance
-// pBuffer - Write the data provided in the buffer
-// SectionVal - Value of type of Section
-// Offset - Writes to the Offset of the Vendor Section.
-// numOfBytes - Write num Bytes after reading from pBuffer.
-// Returns:
+ * Procedure: vendorextnWriteSectionWithoutErase
+ *
+ * Description: Write to a Section of NVM without erasing the sector
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * pContext - ptr to Adapter object instance
+ * pBuffer - Write the data provided in the buffer
+ * SectionVal - Value of type of Section
+ * Offset - Writes to the Offset of the Vendor Section.
+ * numOfBytes - Write num Bytes after reading from pBuffer.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ */
INT vendorextnWriteSectionWithoutErase(PVOID pContext, PUCHAR pBuffer, enum bcm_flash2x_section_val SectionVal,
UINT offset, UINT numOfBytes)

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  Last update: 2013-05-22 02:41    [W:0.319 / U:0.088 seconds]
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