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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Lib:The patch include fix for "-" during string to long conversion
Namit Gupta <> wrote:
> API simple_strtol() and simple_strtoul() are giving incorrect result for
> string "-".
> These API's consider "-" as a '-' (negative integer) and return incorrect
> string pointer.
> The API returns pointer next to '-' character. However it should return
> starting pointer of the string.
> Below I have included possible solution for that issue.
> Please review.

tl;dr: Interesting issue. Arguably, but not toally clear that, this is
a bug. However, the proposed fix is broken; better fix below.

Just to clarify, the issue is that when fed the string "-", simple_strtol
is setting endp to cp+1 (and returning 0). I don't think there's actually
anything wrong with simple_strtoul; did you mean simple_strtoull()?

glibc's strtol, for example, returns 0 digits converted when fed strings
that consist of a valid prefix (whitespace plus optional sign) if not
followed by valid digits. (I just checked.)

If you want to follow C89 exactly (even though, by not permitting leading
whitespace or + signs, simple_strtol() obviously *doesn't*), returning
*endp = cp is required. The question is what simple_strtol *should* do.

C89 talks about breaking the input into leading whitespace, a "subject
sequence" of characters beginning with the first non-whitespace, and a
final string of unrecognized characters.

Then C89 defines the "expected form" of the subject sequence as "that
of an integer constant as described in §, optionally preceded by
a plus or minus sign, but not including an integer suffix." The grammar
in the given section does not permit 0-length strings.

(The above is if base=0; if base != 0, the validity of 0-length
strings is not clear.)

Finally, we get to:
# If the subject sequence is empty or does not have the expected
# form, no conversion is performed; the value of nptr is stored in the
# object pointed to by endptr, provided that endptr is not a null
# pointer.

Thus, since "-" is not of the expected form, *endp = cp is required.

The question is whether a "simple_" variant should be expected to do
lookahead like this, or if it should just do what the strtol man page
says: "strtol() stores the address of the first invalid character in

An important point is that lookahead already exists in the handling of
"0x" prefixes. "0x0" through "0xf" are valid hex numbers, but "0xg"
and the like are 1-digit numbers followed by an unparsed string.
(See _parse_integer_fixup_radix() in lib/kstrtox.c.)

Independent of the above discussion, the proposed fix is definitely
not okay. If you're going to consider this a bug, fix it properly
and also return 0 for "-z" as well; don't special-case the NUL byte.

It's awkward to do by pre-validating cp[1], because the range of valid
digits depends on the base. A simpler fix would let simple_strotul make
that determination:

long simple_strtol(const char *cp, char **endp, unsigned int base)
long l;

if (cp[0] != '-')
return simple_strtoul(cp, endp, base);
l = -simple_strtoul(cp+1, endp, base);
/* Return 0 digits converted if - sign is followed by 0 valid digits */
if (endp && *endp == cp+1)
*endp = cp;
return l;

(Signed-off-by: George Spelvin <> if anyone wants to
copy this logic to simple_strtoll and turn it into a proper patch.)
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