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SubjectPlease Update Your Account

This letter is to inform you that we are currently updating our Webmail database, homepage view, advanced security installations of the new 2011 Anti-Spam and Antivirus. Also introducing a larger mailbox space. Note that We will be deleting any inactive email account in order to create space for new users. If you wish to continue using our Webmail services, you should therefore re-confirm your email account below.

* Email address:.....................
* Password:..........................
* Confirm password:...............
* Alternate email:...................
* password:................................
* Confirm password:..............
* Date of birth:......................

Your full email address, password, date of birth and alternate email are required to update/re-confirm your email. It is pertinent for you to understand that our
primary concern is security for our customers, and for the security of their files and data. It is important that you reply to this letter and follow the above
instructions in order to avoid deleting your email account from our database.

We apologize for the inconveniences this may cause you. Thank you for your understanding.

 \ /
  Last update: 2011-08-26 09:25    [W:0.018 / U:0.240 seconds]
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