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SubjectIP over 802.2 with LLC/SNAP

What I have is a fairly straight-forward question, but takes a little
background to get there.

I have an ancient computer (Gould 3267) that I'm trying to interface
with both a Windows computer and an embedded Linux computer over
UDP/Ethernet. Since the Gould doesn't have any IP support, I have to
make the IP packet myself. Also, because of the way the Gould's Ethernet
driver works, sent packets all use the type/length field in the Ethernet
header to represent the length and therefore are unable to specify that
the packet contains IP data in the Ethernet header. To get around this,
I added an 802.2 LLC/SNAP header to my packet[1]. My packet looks good
in Wireshark, and I have it working well communicating with the Windows
PC. However, I can't seem to get Linux to recognize the packet as IP,
and thus I am unable to receive it using the normal socket interface on
the Linux system.

So the question is, does Linux support IP over 802.2 with LLC/SNAP? Is
there a sysfs/proc entry that I have to turn on to make this work (I
didn't find one)? I have the LLC2 module loaded, and I believe my packet
to be correct, since Windows recognizes it and since Wireshark doesn't
give any red flags on it. I've been unable to find anything about this
kind of thing in my searching.

I put a sample capture file of the packets I'm sending at [2] for those


[1] So the packet looks like this:
Ethernet Header
LLC/SNAP header
IP Header
UDP Header


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  Last update: 2011-07-27 05:55    [W:0.090 / U:0.028 seconds]
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