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SubjectKernel oops on bootup if initramfs built with udev version higher than 163
My computer hangs on bootup if I build my initramfs with a version of
udev higher than 163. I've obtained a boot log by using the serial
console and uploaded the results here:

Successful boot:
Failed boot:

The only difference between the two cases is the version of udev used
to build the initramfs - both kernel images are the same. If I boot an
initramfs that uses an old version of udev but then have a newer
version installed in the OS it does not cause any problems.

I've been working around this problem for a long time first by
temporarily downgrading udev each time I needed to build a new
initramfs and later by building kernel images that didn't need modules
to boot so that I could keep using the same initramfs across kernel
upgrades. Now that I have a working serial console to capture the boot
sequence I'd like to see if there's any information I can provide that
would enable the problem to be fixed the right way.

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  Last update: 2011-11-28 19:17    [W:0.041 / U:0.044 seconds]
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