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SubjectRe: Kernel v3.0.8 igb driver dies when pulling network cable
> You are going to need to clarify some things since as far as I know we
> never released a v3.0.8 driver, and the kernel in the bug below is a
> version which sounds more like a modified and possibly
> backported Linux kernel since as far as I know Linus never released a
> 2.6.40 kernel version.
Sorry that my description was so inaccurate. I'm talking about a vanilla
v3.0.8 linux kernel. Just renamed to

> In order to be able to assist you we will need some additional
> information. What Linux distro are your running? Do you have the
> latest updates from them? Also have you tried running the latest
> out-of-tree driver we provide at in order to verify if the
> same issue occurs with that driver?
Linux Distri is Debian Lenny but we're running a self compiled vanilla
3.0.X kernel. I haven't tried to use the up2date driver as
3.0 is a long time supported kernel by greg - so all needed fixes should
be backported or at least send to stable@ so that greg can have a look
at them.



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