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Subject[BUG(?)] perf_events: combining multiple tracepoint events into a group produces no counts on member events


I'm not sure that what I'm seeing is a bug, or was something intentional.

If I place multiple tracepoint events into a group and measure counts of
these events on a process, I get no counts for the tracepoint events
other than the group leader.

Is this expected behavior?

It's not clear to me why this should be the case; grouping shouldn't
have any ill effects on tracepoint events, from my understanding.

I noticed this because my private version of the perf tool has the event
group patch as well as the patch
which fixes the parsing of multiple tracepoint events in the same -e

When I dig into the code a bit, I find that each event opens
successfully, so that's not the problem. If I disable the grouping,
then I get counts for all of the tracepoint events.

- Corey

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  Last update: 2010-12-01 02:03    [W:0.051 / U:0.972 seconds]
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