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SubjectACPI+Inspiron 1545 = crash at xrstor_state()
I previously reported a boot hang on an Inspiron 1545 laptop which is 
cured by disabling CONFIG_ACPI. I didn't know about the "earlyprintk"
boot option, and upon using it, I was able to see the actual crash.
Hopefully the following information will help. Note that I have turned
off SMP and APIC/LAPIC support, but the bug persists even with these
disabled (I noticed a lot of APIC/IO-APIC code that is eliminated in
early boot if they're disabled.)

The crash was in function xsave_init with EIP at xstate_enable_boot_cpu
(the last normal message output before this was "Initializing CPU#0").
To narrow this down further, I edited xsave.c to be full of printk()
messages for each called function. The last printk message indicates
that the function in xsave.c which crashes out is:

xrstor_state(init_xstate_buf, -1);

The result is a general protection fault. xrstor_state is just a tiny
piece of asm code, and at this point I've reached the extent of my
current capabilities, so I don't know where to go from here. I can
manually type out chunks of the crash info on request. I'm clueless as
to how the inclusion of ACPI causes this.

Please CC my email if you respond since I don't subscribe to LKML.
Thanks in advance.

Jody Bruchon

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  Last update: 2010-11-13 01:09    [W:0.024 / U:0.044 seconds]
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