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SubjectWork with me

UBS International Holdings BV
Herengracht 600
NL-1017 CJ Amsterdam, Netherlands.


I am an investment consultant working with UBS International Holdings BV
in the Netherlands. I will be happy to work this transaction out with you
if you have a corporate or personal Bank Account and if you are reliable
and honest. I need strong Assurance that you will never let me down, as I
can arrange and provide you details/documentatal proof so that
funds($8.5 million) will be transferred into your account as the next of
kin to the late depositor(Abbas Farhan al-Jabouri, who was an Election
candidate and also a business man). Abbas Farhan al-Jabouri and his two
relatives were executed in Mohammed al Malih, near Mandali onthe 29th of
January 2009. During one of our periodic auditing I discovered a dormant
accounts with the said balance (Eight million, five Hundred thousand
Dollars only), this account have not been operated for some years now.

At this moment I will not be able to issue more details about this
business, until your response is received.

If you are not familiar with my Bank profile, please take a moment of your
very busy schedules to read about my Bank
website( bank). I look forward to hearing from you as
soon as possible via my private email;

Thank you for your time and attention.

Warmest Regards,
Mr. Beuker Hendrik
Investment Consultant.

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  Last update: 2010-11-11 19:43    [W:0.017 / U:0.668 seconds]
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