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SubjectI2C -bus programming
Dear List,

this is my first post here and I am not sure if this is a suitable topic
here. Anyway I have a Velleman K8000 IO-card and it uses I2C over
parallel port to communicate.

when I modprobe i2c-parport it does not complain. I tested without card
connected and it complained so it seems to find the card.

modprobe pcf8591

modprobe i2c-core

modprobe i2c-dev

I am not sure I am doing it right. Should i2c-core probed first ?

anyway now I have

/dev/i2c-0 /dev/i2c-1

Now I don't know whether these i2c-devices refer to this Velleman board
or some other i2c-device which happen to be in the computer...

If these devices probably refer to Velleman - then how I can refer
different i2c-devices on the board.

I am totally new to this i2c thing (reading spec at the moment but it
does not help much with Linux).

I would be very greatfull if some could point me the way - thanks.

Best Regards
Kari Laine

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  Last update: 2009-08-14 00:33    [W:0.041 / U:0.968 seconds]
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