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sage weil writes (2009/12/21):
>If you want stability, then it's probably too early to merge. If you
>want active users, that essentially hinges on stability too. But if
>it's interest in/demand for an alternative distributed fs, then the
>sooner it's merged the better.

I understand there are many considerations about when to merge something
new, but in general would like to see the Ceph client merged sometime

In my view, there is a wide range of applications for which Ceph has
the potential to be significantly more efficient than the other
distributed file systems that I know about.

Ceph has a solid architecture and a small but strong dev team. I
believe that the project is now at a point where wider-scale testing
can greatly accelerate progress toward production-level usability.
Having the client in mainline will help reduce barriers to such

Craig Dunwoody
GraphStream Incorporated

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  Last update: 2009-12-27 22:09    [W:0.037 / U:2.364 seconds]
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